Monday - 09/01/2023 23:08
To support the “Every Woman Every Child” initiative, the Global Financing Facility (GFF) aims to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for RMNCAH-N in 50 countries. These goals are being monitored using core impact indicators, which are being collected by governments and development partners using existing surveys and reporting systems. The GFF currently supports 36 low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with the highest maternal, newborn and child mortality burdens and large gaps in financing to address these challenges. . With financial and technical assistance from the World Bank, the Planning and Financing Department, Ministry of Health, the survey will be undertaken in Vietnam by a selected consultant firm.   
Objective 1: Phone-based rapid assessment
Using a cross-sectional study by quarterly telephone rapid surveys in term of disruptions of essential health services in healthcare facilities due to the public health emergency events from Quarter 3rd of 2022 to Quarter 2nd of 2023.
Sampling diagram

Table 1. Sample size for the rapid assessment by type of health facility
No. Type of health facility No. of HF nationwide Sample size selected
1 District Health Centers/General Hospitals 702 100
2 Commune Health Stations 11,100 300
Total 12,273 400

Objective 2: Collect and collate data on the provision and ultilization of essential health services at health facilities from the health management information system (HMIS) of the Ministry of Health from 2018 to the end of the Q2/2023
Health information collected from source: General statistical information system, Sub-system of information of fields, national health programs, Surveillance system of infectious diseases., Statistical information system of other Ministries and branches such as General Statistics Office, Committee on Population, Family and Children, Ministry of Justice

Table 2. Proposed list of HMIS indicators for selection
No. Indicators Concepts/Definitions Collection sources  
  Family planning      
1 Total number of women aged 15-49 The calculated number of women (age 15 to 49) in the region at the middle point of the year HMIS  
2 Number of new users of FP Total number of new users of FP HMIS  
3 Number of using contraceptions Number of using contraceptions GDPFP  
4 Cases of IUD New user of IUD insertion HMIS  
5 Total number of abortions Total number of abortions in the area during the reporting year HMIS  
6 Number of abortions ≤ 7 weeks Number of abortions ≤ 7 weeks in the area during the reporting year HMIS  
  Maternal and newborn care      
7 Number of women giving birth in health facilities Number of women giving birth in the area during the reporting year HMIS  
8 Number of women giving birth with an ANC1 visit Number of women giving birth who received antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses, or midwives) at least once during pregnancy in the area during the reporting year HMIS  
9 Number of women giving birth with an ANC4 visit Number of women giving birth who received antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses, or midwives) at least four times during pregnancy in the region in the reporting year.                                                  · ANC first visit: ≤ 12 weeks
· ANC second visit:: 20 tuần -26 tuần
· ANC third visit: 30-34 tuần
· ANC fourth visit: 36 tuần -38 tuần
10 Total number of mothers having
Total number of mothers having C-section in the reporting year HMIS  
11 Total number of women tested for HPV Total number of women tested for HPV at health facilities during the reporting period HMIS  
12 Total number of stillbirths Total number of stillbirths from 22 weeks of age to delivery during the reporting period HMIS  
13 Percentage of pregnant women administered with tetanus vaccine (%) Is the number of women that received two doses or more doses of tetanus Toxoid vaccine during antenatal care as a proportion of all pregnant women                             Numerator
Number of delivering women receiving two or more doses of tetanus toxoid vaccine during pregnancy  in a certain region of a given year                                             Denominator
Total number of delivering women of  the certain region in the given year
14 Number of childbirth women assisted by the skilled birth attendant  Number of childbirth women assisted by the skilled birth attendant  HMIS  
15 Number of women/number of newborns with a postnatal care within 1 week Number of women/number of newborns with a postnatal care within 1 week HMIS  
16 Number of women/number of newborns with a postanal care from the second to the sixth weeks  Number of women/number of newborns with a postanal care from the second to the sixth weeks  HMIS  
  Children and Adolescent Health      
17 Number of live births A live born child (or a live newborn): an infant with 22 weeks of gestation or more, complete expulsion or extraction from the mother's womb with signs of life (crying, breathing, heartbeat, sucking,)… HMIS  
  Number of newborns receiving early essential care during and shortly after being birth (EENC) Total Number of newborns receiving early essential care during and shortly after being birth (EENC)  in the area during the reporting year                                                Early Essential newborn care is the care provided to the neonate after birth within the delivery room by skilled personnel which includes drying and stimulating, assessing breathing, cord care, skin to skin contact, initiating exclusive breastfeeding, eye care, vitamin k provision, place of identification band and weighing.. HMIS  
18 Number of newborns administered vitamin K1 Number of newborns administered vitamin K1 immediately after birth in the region HMIS  
19 Number of low- birth weight among newborns (weighing < 2500 grams) Number of live births that weigh less than 2,500gr of a region in a given year HMIS  
20 Rate of malnourished children under 5 years old (weight-for-age) (%) weight-for-age, (underweight) is the children under age 5 whose weight for age is more than two standard deviations (SD) below the median for the international reference population of the WHO. If weight for age is below-3SD is considered severely malnourished National Institute of Nutrition  
1921 Rate of malnourished children under 5 years old (height-for-age) (%) Height-for-age, (stunting): is the children under age 5 whose height for age is more than 2 SD below the median for the international reference population of the WHO. If height for age is below 3SD it is considered severely malnourished National Institute of Nutrition  
2022 Rate of malnourished children under 5 years old (weight-for-height ) (%) Weight-for-height (wasting): is the children under age 5 whose weight for height is more than 2 SD below the median for the international reference population of the WHO. If weight for height is below 3 SD it is considered severely malnourished. National Institute of Nutrition  
  Expanded Immunization      
23 Number of children administered OPV1 2 months old infant administered OPV1 Extended vaccination program  
24 Number of children administered OPV3 vaccine 4 months old infant administered OPV3 Extended vaccination program  
25 Number of children administered IPV vaccine 5 months old infant administered IPV vaccine Extended vaccination program  
Number of children administered DPT-Hepatitis B-Hib vaccine

DPT-VGB-Hib vaccine is a combination vaccine of diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis b and pneumonia, Hib meningitis (5 in 1 vaccine). Children under 1 year old must have 3 doses of DPT-VGB-Hib
Extended vaccination program  
27 Number of children administered BCG vaccine Total number of children administered BCG vaccine Extended vaccination program  
28 Number of children being administered measles vaccination Total number of children being administered measles vaccination Extended vaccination program  
  HIV and hepatitis      
29 Total number of newly discovered HIV infections Total number of newly discovered HIV infections in an area in a specific year HMIS  
30 Total number of HIV infections detected Total number of HIV infections detected in an area at a specific time HMIS  
31 Total number of HIV infections detected in the age group 15-49 Total number of HIV infections detected in the age group 15-49 in an area at a specific time HMIS  
32 Number of cases of Viral Hepatitis Number of cases and deaths of Hepatitis B HMIS  
33 Number of deaths of Viral Hepatitis Number of cases and deaths of Hepatitis C HMIS  
34 Number of TB cases detected in the year per 100,000 population Is the number of TB of all types new cases reported per 100,000 population in a particular area in a particular year. Numerator
Number of TB of all types new cases reported in a particular area in a particular year.                                           Denominator
Average population in that area in the same year
National Lung Hospital  
35 Number of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with new/relapse bacteria detected per 100,000 population Is the number of TB AFB (+) new cases/relapse bacteria per 100,000 population in a particular area in a particular year.                                                            Numerator
Number of TB AFB (+) new cases/relapse bacteria in a particular area in a particular year.                                             Denominator
Average population in that area in the same year
National Lung Hospital  
36 Rate of pulmonary TB cure with relapse (new bacterial)  (DOTs) (%) Is the number of TB AFB (+)  new cases that were provided with adequate drugs in a regular basis as prescribed by standard regimen and their sputum smear results found negative at least 2 times in the 4th and 6th month of 6 –month- treatment regimen (currently used by NTP) per total number of TB AFB (+) new cases having treatment in a year.                                   Smear-positive pulmonary case: A patient with                         · At least two initial sputum smear examinations (direct smear microscopy) AFB+; or
· One sputum examination AFB+ and radiographic abnormalities consistent with active pulmonary tuberculosis as determined by a clinician; or
· One sputum specimen AFB+ and culture positive for M. tuberculosis. - New case: A patient who has never had treatment for tuberculosis or who has taken anti- tuberculosis drugs for less than one month.                  Numerator
- Number of TB AFB (+)  new cases with treatment success of a region in a given year                  Denominator
- Total number of TB AFB (+)  new cases having treatment of the region in the same year
National Lung Hospital  
37 Total number of newly discovered malaria cases Total number of newly discovered malaria cases in an area in a specific year HMIS  
35,36,37   Number of patients who died from malaria  in an area in a specific year HMIS  
38 Total number of people tested for malaria   HMIS  
39 Total number of positive smears  for malaria
40 Total number of patients who received Treatment of malaria cases
  Medical examination and treatment      
41 Average population Average population HMIS  
42 Average female population Average female population HMIS  
3943 Total number of Medical examination Total number of medical examination in an area in a specified year.  Definition of an medical examination is a time when a patient is examined by a physician clinically or in combination with subclinical for the purpose of disease diagnosis and treatment. HMIS  
44 Total number of traditional examination Total number of times that patients were examined and treated with traditional medicine HMIS  
45 Total number of OPD/outpatient visits The number of outpatient visits in a particular area in a particular year. -An outpatient visit is defined as one time a patient is offered clinical or para-clinical examination to diagnose or treat a disease
Some specific regulations:
Each time a patient is sent to a specialty department for necessary health examination is considered as one visit
If more than one specialised doctors get involved in medical consultation for one patient, it is regarded as one visit
If a patient visits a specialty department more than once a day, it is also considered as one visit
In case of a person with outpatient treatment, the first examination and other subsequent appointments with physicians/doctors altogether are considered as one visit
If a patient visits the examination room (clinic) only to receive treatment as indicated by physicians/doctors, it is not considered as a separate visit, nor all the care provided by nurses, midwives, or medical technicians
46 Total number of preventive outpatient visits
Total number of visits covered by health insurance
 The number of visits covered by the health insurance agency including full or partial payment to the patient HMIS  
47 Total number of IDP/inpatient admissions   HMIS  
48 Inpatient days The number of inpatient days in a particular area in a particular year HMIS  
49 Patient satisfaction rate (5) The patient's satisfaction rate for medical examination and treatment services at the hospital at a given time in a defined area; Satisfaction level must reach 4 or 5 on a scale from 1 to 5 according to regulations of the Ministry of Health; The numerator is the number of patients with satisfactory answers (level 4 or level 5) about medical examination and treatment services at a given time in a specified area. The denominator is the total number of patients surveyed about satisfaction at the same time in that area HMIS  


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The Center has cooperated with scientific research and was sponsored by: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UNILEVER Viet Nam, The Department for International Development (DFID), International Trachoma Initiative (ITI),...

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